New Stuff of the Moment…

March 9, 2008 at 7:18 pm | Posted in books, movies, music, video games | 2 Comments
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I changed these things on my sidebar a few days ago, but I am just now making an actual entry about them.  And yes, everything on there is old.  Daxter has been out for a while, Marie Antoinette came out in 2006, and The Golden Compass was published in 1997.  Oh well, these are still the things that I am into right now.

I’ve already beaten the storyline of Daxter, but I have gotten 100% completion in the game, so I’m currently working on that.  I was really surprised when I came to the end of the story.  It was way shorter than I thought it would be.

Marie Antoinette I watched for the first time last fall and a friend of mine bought me for Christmas.  I really haven’t been able to get out and see many movies lately, so I really have seen anything new that really excites me yet.  I want to see Cloverfield, but none of my friends do.  But hopefully it will be at the dollar theater soon.  If so, I’m just going to bite the bullet and see it.

The Golden Compass is a charming book, mainly because the main character, Lyra, is so likable.  I was quite surprised by her early on in the book, especially at how daring she was and the fact that her and her little friends liked to secretly smoke cigarettes.  I had to laugh at that.

And the Marie Antoinette soundtrack is two discs of pure love. I highly recommend that everyone who likes music to go out and buy it.  You will not be disappointed. 🙂


Book of the Moment

August 10, 2007 at 12:35 pm | Posted in books, Harry Potter | Leave a comment

Just for fun I have decided to include a small “Book of the Moment” blurb on my sidebar (or bottom if I choose one of those layouts in the future). I decided to start off with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Sure, I finished it a few weeks ago, but meh. It’s not going to be a “currently reading” type of thing, because what if the book I’m currently reading sucks? I don’t want to subject you all to that type of torture! I’m not that cruel!

In any case, I liked Deathly Hallows, and since it’s still so new and lots of people are still talking about it, I figured why not, eh?

I also plan to have a “Movie of the Moment,” “Game of the Moment,” and maybe a “CD/Band of the Moment,” too. Because I can. 😛

In any case, here’s the info for my first ever “Book of the Moment.” 🙂

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
by J.K. Rowling

It took me a while to figure out tiny chunks of the code. Certain things work differently than what I’m used to, but in the end it was all good. ^_^

Later taters!


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